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I work at a marketing firm in China, tasked with improving the company's website ranking. With no prior knowledge in this area, I sought advice from colleagues and was advised to either hire a freelancer or outsource SEO services. After exploring various options, I found an SEO company nearby, not far from where I work. They offered to enhance our website ranking for $364.51 per month, or 2,621.45 CNY. The company constantly provided insights about our website and billed me every time I requested advice. I found this arrangement unfair, but I proceeded anyway, as it was within the agreed budget. However, as time passed, the expenses increased, leading to inquiries from my superiors. When questioned about the rising costs, the company explained that additional marketing efforts were needed to boost sales, requiring an extra $100. Feeling misled, I decided to terminate the contract. Feeling lost, I sought advice from friends again, who suggested I try marketingseo.online. Despite initial skepticism, I decided to give it a try, opting for the lowest-priced package at $92 per month. Within two weeks, I began to see positive results, with my boss acknowledging an increase in customer inquiries. Although I initially felt confused, the feedback from my boss confirmed that the majority of our new customers were coming from our website. Upon investigation, I discovered that my name had been used in marketing materials without my consent, but my boss seemed pleased with the outcome. After a month, my website's ranking had significantly improved. Reflecting on my journey, I regret the expensive choices I initially made, which almost led me to quit. I am grateful to my friends and the team at marketingseo.online, and I plan to continue using their services.